Referral Process Document

A Referral Process Document in Supportable represents a referral going through the intake process.

Sample Request #

HeadersAuthorization = Bearer [token]

Get all Referral Process Documents for Company #


Get individual Referral Process Document #


Sample Response JSON #

Status: 200

    "id": "63a359da9f76a83b448d5485",
    "referralRawDocumentId": "63a35913474f827f6eb7eca5",
    "referenceToken": "20221221190555",
    "submittedOn": "2022-12-21T19:05:55.541Z",
    "lastUpdatedOn": null,
    "offering": {
      "id": "6399561d904c0725a6e56113",
      "status": true,
      "name": "DW-DRec-IC",
      "offeringType": {
        "id": "61d6dcdb1a28b5d9378ea5f9",
        "status": true,
        "name": "In-clinic Psychotherapy"
      "shortName": "IC",
      "preferred": {
        "name": "Individual Counseling",
        "shortName": "IC",
    "pointPersonDetail": {
      "current": {
        "pointPersonId": "631b7fccb85f7b84cd478b29",
        "pointPersonName": "Dan, Demo"
      "previous": null
    "personId": "63a359da9f76a83b448d5480",
    "intakeStageDetail": {
      "current": {
        "stage": {
          "id": "61e855177612ad3088ec9a16",
          "status": true,
          "name": "Screening"
        "startedOn": "2022-12-21T19:09:14.014Z",
        "finishedOn": null
      "previous": null
    "statusDetail": {
      "current": {
        "status": {
          "id": "621c8fd111ed7b97a661d584",
          "status": true,
          "name": "In Process"
        "updatedDate": "2022-12-21T19:09:14.014Z"
      "previous": null
    "referralRejectDetails": null,
    "subEntityId": "6398b8a6904c0725a6e560f2",
    "isInternal": false
  . . .

Notes on Values #

Attribute Data Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the Referral Process Document.
referralRawDocumentId string The unique identifier for the Referral Raw Document with which the Referral Process Document is associated.
referenceToken string The unique reference token for the Referral Raw Document with which the Referral Process Document is associated.
submittedOn datetime TThe ISO datetime value on which the original referral was submitted by the Person.
lastUpdatedOn datetime The ISO datetime value on which the Referral Process Document was last updated.
offering object Information about the Offering (service) which this Referral Process Document is for. string The unique identifier for the Offering.
offering.status boolean Whether the Offering is currently active in Supportable.
offering.offeringType object Information about the type of the Offering. string The unique identifier for the Offering Type. string The name of the Offering Type.
offering.offeringType.status boolean Whether the Offering Type is active in Supportable.
offering.preferred object Information about the preferred name and short name for the Offering which will appear in the application. string The preferred name for the Offering.
offering.preferred.shortName string The preferred short name of the Offering, used in some areas of the application to conserve space.
pointPersonDetail object Information about the current and previous Point Persons assigned to the Referral Process Document, if any.
pointPersonDetail.current object Information about the current Point Person (Intake User) assigned to the Referral Process Document, if any.
pointPersonDetail.current.pointPersonId string The unique identifier for the Intake User.
pointPersonDetail.current.pointPersonName string The name of the Intake User, in “Last, First” format.
pointPersonDetail.previous object Information about the previous Point Person assigned to the Referral Process Document, if any.
pointPersonDetail.previous.pointPersonId string The unique identifier for the Intake User.
pointPersonDetail.previous.pointPersonName string The name of the Intake User, in “Last, First” format.
personId string The unique identifier of the Person with which the Referral Process Document is associated.
intakeStageDetail object Information about the current and previous intake process stages the Referral Process Document is/was in.
intakeStageDetail.current object Basic information about the current intake process stage the Referral Process Document is in.
intakeStageDetail.current.stage object Information about the intake process stage. string The unique identifier of the intake process stage.
intakeStageDetail.current.stage.status boolean Whether the stage is active in Supportable. string The name of the stage.
intakeStageDetail.current.startedOn datetime The ISO datetime value on which the intake process stage was started.
intakeStageDetail.current.finishedOn datetime The ISO datetime value on which the intake process stage was finished
(Note: FinishedOn of current stage will be null)
intakeStageDetail.previous object Basic information about the previous intake process stage the Referral Process Document is in.
intakeStageDetail.previous.stage object Information about the intake process stage. string The unique identifier of the intake process stage.
intakeStageDetail.previous.stage.status boolean Whether the stage is active in Supportable. string The name of the stage.
intakeStageDetail.previous.startedOn datetime The ISO datetime value on which the intake process stage was started.
intakeStageDetail.previous.finishedOn datetime The ISO datetime value on which the intake process stage was finished
(Note: FinishedOn of previous stage will be null)
statusDetail object Information about the current and previous statuses of the Referral Process Document
(Note: Status, in this context, can be Active, Accepted, Rejected, etc.)
statusDetail.current object Information about the current status of the Referral Process Document.
statusDetail.current.status object Information about the status. string The unique identifier of the status. string The name of the status.
statusDetail.current.status.status boolean Whether the status is active in Supportable.
statusDetail.current.updatedDate datetime The ISO datetime on which the Referral Process Document was changed to this status.
statusDetail.previous object Information about the previous status of the Referral Process Document, if any
statusDetail.previous.status object Information about the status. string The unique identifier of the status. string The name of the status.
statusDetail.previous.status.status boolean Whether the status is active in Supportable.
statusDetail.previous.updatedDate datetime The ISO datetime on which the Referral Process Document was changed to this status.
referralRejectDetails object Details about why the Referral Process Document was rejected, if in Rejected status.
referralRejectDetails.description string The explanation for the rejection, as provided by the Intake User who performed the rejection.
referralRejectDetails.rejectReasons array of objects The reason(s) for which the referral was rejected.
referralRejectDetails.rejectReasons.rejectReasonId string The unique identifier for the reason.
subEntityId string The unique identifier for the Sub-Entity with which the Referral Process Document is associated.
isInternal boolean Whether the Referral Process Document was created internally (through the Supportable application and not the referral form).