Person Payer

Person Payers are records of insurance policies or private setups which pay for the Person’s services. A Person Payer is associated with a single Person. One Person may have multiple Person Payers.

Sample Request #

HeadersAuthorization = Bearer [token]

Sample Response JSON #

Status: 200

  "id": "639947e7375b94cfdaedad3a",
  "status": true,
  "personId": "63994727375b94cfdaedad34",
  "payer": {
    "id": "633ae130ef17a93715724ef5",
    "name": "DOBIS insurance"
  "payerType": {
    "id": "624eb78318c58b8291b9be72",
    "name": "Commercial"
  "payerIfOther": null,
  "policyHolderName": "Liam Liamson",
  "policyHolderDob": "2001-06-15T00:00:00.000Z",
  "relationship": {
    "id": "62fdfa10e34d63f231759088",
    "name": "Self"
  "relationshipOther": null,
  "groupNumber": "59391",
  "policyNumber": "689492FIZSFH",
  "pmiNumber": null,
  "policyHolderAddress": "St. Paul, MN",
  "isPrimary": false

Notes on Values #

AttributeData TypeDescription
idstringThe unique identifier of the Person Payer.
statusbooleanWhether the Person Payer is active in Supportable. If false, the Person Payer has been removed from the Person’s Payer list in the application.
personIdstringThe unique identifier of the Person with whom the Person Payer is associated.
payerobjectThe Payer with which the Person Payer is associated.
payer.idstringThe unique identifier of the Payer.
payer.namestringThe name of the Payer Type as it appears in the application.
payerTypeobjectThe Payer Type with which the Payer is associated.
payerType.namestringThe unique identifier of the Relationship.
payerType.namestringThe name of the Relationship as it appears in the application.
payerIfOtherstringThe name of the payer associated with the Person Payer record, if not found in the Sub-Entity’s list of Payers.
policyHolderNamestringThe name of the policy holder.
policyHolderDobdatetimeThe ISO datetime value of the policy holder’s date of birth.
relationshipobjectThe Relationship of the policy holder to the Person.
relationship.idstringThe unique identifier of the Relationship.
relationship.namestringThe name of the Relationship as it appears in the application.
relationshipOtherstringThe name of the policy holder’s relationship to the Person, if not found in the global list of Relationships.
groupNumberstringThe group number for the policy.
policyNumberstringThe policy number.
policyHolderAddressstringThe address for the policy holder.
isPrimarybooleanWhether this is the primary policy for the Person.