
Supportable maintains a global list of races which are used in the application. In Supportable, races are distinct from ethnicities.

Sample Request #

HeadersAuthorization = Bearer [token]
GET https://connect.supportableapp.com/api/races

Sample Response JSON #

Status: 200

    "id": "6229d229dde96cb71bd99b47",
    "name": "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander",
    "status": true
    "id": "6229d229dde96cb71bd99b45",
    "name": "Asian",
    "status": true
    "id": "6229d229dde96cb71bd99b49",
    "name": "Other",
    "status": true
    "id": "6229d229dde96cb71bd99b46",
    "name": "Black or African American",
    "status": true
    "id": "6229d229dde96cb71bd99b4a",
    "name": "I prefer not to say",
    "status": true
    "id": "6229d229dde96cb71bd99b44",
    "name": "American Indian or Alaska Native",
    "status": true
    "id": "6229d229dde96cb71bd99b48",
    "name": "White",
    "status": true

Notes on Values #

Attribute Data Type Description
id string The unique identifier of the race.
name string The name of the race, as it appears in the application.
status string Whether the race is active in Supportable. If false, the race will not appear in the application.